Public Relations

3 unique PR activations for your game

Wahid Lodin
January 6, 2024

The indie game market is an ocean. Since the budding popularity of platforms like Steam and, solo and small teams of developers have been churning out interactive experiences of varying degrees of quality. When you stand behind your project and have a passion for it, all you want to do is see it succeed—but how can you when you’re one of over 10,000 games released in a year?The typical marketing routes of social media posts, gameplay videos, and press releases may only get you so far in the post-2020 world of indie gaming. It’s time to get creative, think outside of the box, and maybe put yourself (and your project) out there in ways that may be uncomfortable. Consider these three PR activations to draw an engaged audience and increase the possibility of higher sales.

Challenge Creators & Influencers

Sometimes, it’s worth taking a cue from a AAA title. Before Dead Island 2 launched, Deep Silver turned to creators and tasked them with surviving a zombie apocalypse. Influencers and content creators turned up, showcasing their zombie-slaying skills on Instagram, YouTube, and other social platforms.Can you leverage the same interactivity with your game? Think of ways to call upon the internet to ultimately advertise your game for you in a unique and clever challenge. Pinpoint an aspect of your game that can be turned into a challenge. Say you’re developing the next great ghost-hunting experience. Why not task creators with (legally) exploring a “haunted” location or finding fun ways to scare their audience?The more creative the challenge, the more likely you’ll draw an audience to participate.

Partner With a Small Brand

Co-marketing and partnerships are a great way to develop a long-lasting relationship while reaching your targeted audience. You’ve likely seen AAA developers do it before like the many times Mountain Dew was branded with Halo marketing or when Burger King collaborated with Activision for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.Of course, don’t expect to link up with a sizable brand. Instead, find something smaller that may align with your values and goals and determine a way to work together that benefits everyone. Maybe work with a small apparel retailer and create a design based on your game that they can sell. You can even co-market with another indie game, with both sides creating in-game content that links the two games like a limited edition avatar available only for preorders or an early access item.

Invite Your Audience Behind-the-Scenes

Sometimes unique marketing can just be a matter of lifting the veil and letting your audience see behind the scenes. How are certain mechanics created? What’s your development schedule and how does it fit into your daily life? Where did the game’s assets come from? Were they bought or created by your team? Through social media and platforms like YouTube, you can connect with your audience by letting them be part of the process. Not only may audiences enjoy seeing what goes into developing an indie game, but it may also give them a better appreciation and understanding of the work you’ve put in.

How Loopr Can Help With These Unique Activations

When you think of what a PR firm does, you probably picture press release distribution and contacting media outlets for coverage and interview opportunities. However, a firm like Loopr is about more than just media outreach. We’re here to help build your audience in the best way that aligns with your game, whether that means connecting you with the best influencers for your unique challenge, researching small brands and co-marketing opportunities, or helping develop a behind-the-scenes content plan. Loopr is available to help maximize your audience engagement and get your game seen among the masses of annual releases. Contact us today to discuss the best unique way to market your indie game.



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